CIS LONDON and Partners



September 2018

As financial technology continues to develop rapidly worldwide, Getting the Deal Through, an international legal resources centre, has published the third edition of their ‘Fintech’ series, which is available in print, as an e-book, and online. The CIS London team has contributed by drafting and updating the chapter on Russia.

Topics covered include: licensing requirements and exemptions; consumer lending regulations; peer-to-peer and marketplace lending; crowdfunding; invoice trading; cloud computing and the internet of things; marketing regulations; foreign exchange and currency control restrictions; intellectual property rights and disputes; open-source software; the anonymisation and aggregation of personal data for commercial gain; available tax incentives to encourage innovation and investment; and anti-money laundering and financial crime prevention requirements.

A pdf version of the chapter prepared by the CIS London experts can be downloaded here
Reproduced with permission from Law Business Research Ltd. This article was first published in Getting the Deal Through –Fintech 2019 (Published: September 2018). For further information please visit

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